The Social Media Drug...

As the title of this blog suggests, the one thing I crave is a little simplicity.

The Covid-19 pandemic, in a way has allowed some simplicity to return. However, over the last few weeks I've noticed a worrying trend in my daily habits. 

Social media! Every week my phone helpfully sends me a little report. The latest report showed my screen time had jumped up 40% and that i spent a disgraceful 19 hours on social media! talk about guilt trip! 
What it doesn’t tell me is how much social media I use on the other devises.

Social media has been great at keeping me connecting with friends and family but there are so many negatives.

I’ve found myself feeling anxious, worried and shall we say, envious of others. 

On reflection, if we think about it what you tend to see is the best version of someones life. You often see a very curated version of the best bits, beautiful shots & only things they want to share.

There's nothing wrong with documenting these happy moments in our lives but often on lookers forget that it is just that and as I have found myself looking on enviously at others seemingly perfect lives. While parts of mine seem to be falling apart around me. 

I’ve got a messy house, piles of washing, a sink full of dishes. I'm trying to home school, build a business and be as environmentally friendly as possible. I view pinterest and instagram with envious eyes looking at beautifully presented houses and well organised families. 

Social media also leads you down the consumerism route. I find myself wanting to buy all the things because at that time I neeeeeeeeed them. The reality is I don’t. As is the idea behind craving simplicity, stepping away from consumerism. 

I also use social media as a way of building my business brand. The problem is, social media is always there. It’s not a 9-5 thing. First thing in a morning I’m reaching for my phone to get up to date and make sure I’m not missing an opportunity all through the day I dip in and out of it and then at night when I’m trying to wind down with the family, I’ll just pop on LinkedIn for 5 minutes, an hour passes! 

Social media has drained my mental capacity and I’m finding it very difficult to relax and de stress! This is not the simplicity I was looking for! 

In a world that is addicted to social media and online pursuits, how can you step away? I have a 12 (almost 13) year old daughter who is always on some form of social media as a way of keeping in touch with her friends. Social media is all around us now. 

Now that I am aware of this trend, I will certainly be taking steps to reduce my social media use. I see a digital detox in my future! 


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